ATTENTION: Married Couples at the verge of Separation!

Get this new COUNTER-INTUITIVE way to

instantly press pause to your separation

and start taking the 3 steps needed to

Reignite your Marriage in 30 days or


(...Even If You Feel Like You're On The Brink Of Divorce or stuck in the

infinite loop of indecisiveness!)

Get over your past and finally get the

comfortable closure you need to re-ignite

your marriage!

Get over your past and finally get the comfortable closure

you need to re-ignite your marriage!

If you are ready to go from cycles of disconnection, blame and resentment.... warm, connected, deeply fulfilling marriages that transform your own, and your entire family's lives.

Then, Here's just a fraction of what you're about to discover:

  • How to get over your past and finally get the comfortable closure you need to reignite your marriage in 30 Days or less even if you’re the only one trying right now! (Say goodbye to nights sleeping separately)

  • Restore faith and loyalty in your marriage few weeks (The 3 step Affair Recovery system will help unlock the root cause behind your partner’s cheating behaviours)

  • Discover a simple “Communication Restoration Method” to navigate difficult conversations and express your emotions in a healthy way so that you can feel understood again.

  • The #3 little-known unhealthy behaviour patterns that are destroying your marriage and how you can instantly break free from it to rebuild the trust & closeness that you once shared together.

  • The #1 Reason why the conventional advice to focus on yourself is flawed and what to do instead.

  • Talking through the PAST MISTAKES will solve marriage problems, RIGHT? WRONG! (Discover the #1 scientifically backed, evidence-based tools to rebuild intimacy after an affair even if you are the only one trying to save your relationship)

  • The Little-known loopholes in traditional marriage counselling techniques that makes it almost useless when it comes to helping marriages recover after an affair.

  • Why Even The ‘Best’ Marriage Counsellors Only Enjoy Such A Marginally Of Around 20% (Imagine If We Held Medical Procedures To The Same Standards… It Wouldn’t Be Legal

  • A simple 3 Step System that completely eradicates cheating behaviours in your relationship by reinstating new sub-lingual commands in your subconscious (Say goodbye to the feelings of self-guilt for losing self-control in your relationship!) 

  • How to improve your communication style so that you can be heard, understood, and get your needs met. (Imagine having those long intimate conversations again, that you and your partner used to have!)

  • The Practical Tools & Techniques to help you unlock the hidden triggers that led to cheating in your relationship and how you can communicate the root cause clearly to your partner so that you can rebuild the trust and closeness that you once shared together.

  • A simple “Communication Restoration Method” to get your partner interested in what you have to say (If you've forgotten how to talk to one another - and it's easier to avoid those difficult conversations - you'll discover how to do that with greater ease.)

  • The #1 practical tool you will ever need to Get Rid Of The Constant Image Flashes From The Past of your partner with somebody else (Free yourself from the mental loophole of negative thought patterns so that you can take the right actions to rebuild trust)

  • Re-ignite lost intimacy and fix sexual challenges in your relationship by unlocking the #3 powerful mental blocks and mysteries about sex that you must know.

  • The #1 hidden Truth behind why your partner might no longer find you attractive and a simple connection technique to rejuvenate the lost attraction.

  • The “Secret Hack” to Unlock and clear the self-destructive thinking patterns that trigger your old ways of acting, so that you can take the right actions that rebuild trust with your partner. (Say goodbye to having the same arguments repeatedly and how to interrupt those painful patterns of engagement.)

And the Best Part...

  • You don’t have to try to “FIX” it by getting into countless arguments.

  • You don’t have to end up wasting your time and energy on long-drawn out traditional marriage counselling sessions.

  • You don’t have to resort to the dreaded divorce process

  • You will free yourself from the regret that you didn’t even try

WARNING: Here is what Every individual who has experienced infidelity in their Marriage

needs to know!

Dear Reader,

If your relationship with your partner is at the verge of separation, And you want to rebuild the trust and connection that you once shared...

If you are feeling completely stuck, confused and finding it hard to get past the affair in your relationship. Then, you can’t afford to miss what I am about to share with you.

Here is why?

Unlike other relationships experts who come from a psycho analytical, text-book background....

for me, saving marriage stems from my very own personal experience of being cheated on and then my own negativity making things worse....


The counsellor told me to focus on myself, which wasn't very helpful because I didn't know how to do that.

My self-esteem was at an all-time low.

She didn't have any tools to help me get the images of the two of them together out of my head. 

She didn't know how to help him rebuild the trust and get him to open up as to what led him to do it.

We were clueless on how to heal from it.

The negative thoughts and questions running in my head were overwhelming. 

Did he no longer find me attractive? 

Is she better in bed? 

Does he prefer her body to mine? 

Is she more interesting? 

My heart felt heavy and tight. Waves of pain came and went and I’d burst into tears at random times of the day. 

I loved him and hated him at the same time. 

I felt so angry that I couldn't focus on things I needed to get done. 

Every area of my life was suffering… it all felt so incredibly unfair. With all that being said, what I didn’t need was the counsellor to make him feel worse or more guilty. 

He was making the best efforts he could to help me but I just felt numb to them.

Nor did I need him to apologise any more, he had done enough begging and apologising at home.

The counsellor suggested this but again it wasn't helpful because:

One, I needed actions not words. 

Two, I needed a deeper explanation than he could give me.

Sadly, that relationship after 11 months of counselling ended.

Living through this and making plenty of my own relationship mistakes......

I wanted to learn what the secret was to keeping love, passion and happiness alive in a relationship.

Once I discovered that those usual methods for marriage therapy were not working, I was convinced.

I could find and create a new way of helping couples recover after internet, physical and emotional affairs.

I found the answers and created this tried and tested program. 

Ever since then,I have written in 4 international best-selling books.

I have also been featured on ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox News Network, Wall Street Select and Saffron Media.

And it's not just me,

I have worked with thousands of couples over a space of 15 years. 

When these couples, that have tried every type of counselling and failed, started my program, they have successfully walked away with their marriage back on track and happier than ever.


The 3 Step Affair Recovery System

After spending 15 years working with couples here is an Evidence

Backed System that restores your Marriage!

The Affair Recovery Release, Reset and Recreate Program will Assist You to get Yourself and Relationship Back on

Track and help you to Feel Alive Again!

Dear Nicola, I really can't thank you enough for the wisdom, support and guidance you have provided.

My year started off with my husband wanting a divorce and now we are happily married and looking forward to what our future has instore for us.

It has been an amazing learning experience and even my husband listened to the course material which I never expected him to. I truly believe if I had not started with your steps I would no longer have a marriage.

Thank You!!


Here is What You Will Get....

It is divided into three Tracks.

  • The Cheater Breakthrough Track

  • The Betrayed Breakthrough Track

  • Couples Relationship Transformation Track

Doing all three tracks gives the best result for long-

lasting happiness and freedom from the past.


The Cheater Breakthrough Track

  • A step-by-step personalized Affair Recovery Track for the partner who has cheated in the relationship 

  • We will have a 3 Session Deep Dive to support the cheater to understand their behavior, get to the root cause and clear out unwanted thoughts and habits.

  • You will be confidently able to explain to your partner why you ended up doing it  and what you will do instead if a similar situation comes up.

  • You will discover healthy ways to handle common triggers like worry, stress, loneliness, boredom and the urge to escape it.

The 3 Step Phases of the Cheater

Breakthrough Gateway focus on:


Personal Inventory Phase

  • We will walk through my “Embedded behaviour Release Method ” where we deep dive into identifying the behaviors that cause cheating so that you can communicate it clearly to your partner, restoring back the lost trust and closeness that you once shared together. 

  • · We will also help you identify the exact triggers and the root cause behind your cheating behaviours so that you can FINALLY let go of the old cheating behaviours and become loyal again.

  • · Starting from childhood all the way up to the present day, we will identify unhelpful beliefs you may be holding about yourself, your future, your relationships and what you can accomplish.

  • · Together we will identify any other unhealthy behavioural pattern which you notice occurring that you need to break free from so that you can restore a healthy bond with your partner.

  • · We will flush out any repetitive, critical, or fear-based thoughts that drain your energy and affect your mood that are affecting you how you feel, behave and think.

  • · Discover the ways to maintain self-esteem and a healthy lifestyle so you can focus on your partner, family and work.

  • · You will finally free yourself from the shackles of the past because now you have a long-lasting calm, confident and supportive mindset to be able to be there for your loved ones when they need you

  • ·We will help you define your top 5 goals aligned to your core happiness for the next 1 to 10 years helping you regain a fulfilling vision of your future that makes you feel driven again.

  • · We will map out the actions to get there, leaving you with a profound new sense of focus and direction as you’ll start to attract new positive experiences into your life.


Release Reset Phase


Release Reset Phase

  • · Discover the ways to maintain self-esteem and a healthy lifestyle so you can focus on your partner, family and work.

  • · You will finally free yourself from the shackles of the past because now you have a long-lasting calm, confident and supportive mindset to be able to be there for your loved ones when they need you

  • ·We will help you define your top 5 goals aligned to your core happiness for the next 1 to 10 years helping you regain a fulfilling vision of your future that makes you feel driven again.

  • · We will map out the actions to get there, leaving you with a profound new sense of focus and direction as you’ll start to attract new positive experiences into your life.


Redefine Phase

  • · With the “Release Reset Method” you will clear all the unwanted and unhelpful beliefs that have sabotaged your relationship and self-esteem

  • · We will work together to help you restore calmness as you will start to feel calmer and more confident with every passing day

  • · You will finally be able to trust yourself when it comes to making the right decisions in your relationship.

  • · We will also clear the self-destructive thinking patterns that trigger your old ways of acting so that you can take the right actions that rebuild trust with your partner.

  • · Together we will work on reinstating the sublingual commands in your subconscious mind that will completely eradicate any cheating behaviours in your relationship (Say goodbye to the feelings of not being good enough!)

  • · You will get rid of the self-guilt and low-esteem thought patterns that pushes you back to cheating behaviors as a means of escape only to become a cheater again.

  • · You will release the negative intrusive thoughts that can come up at any point and lower your mood so that you can feel the inner peace and happiness again even if it feels like you are the only one trying.

  • · Using my Release Reset Method you will also be able to let go of any resentment towards self or others, get rid of any concerns and insecurities about the future affecting you now so that you start feeling hopeful, lighter and self-assured. Free from the burdens of the past!


The Betrayed

Breakthrough Track

  • · A step-by-step personalized Affair Recovery Track for the betrayed partner in the relationship

  • · We will have a 3 Session Deep Dive for the betrayed to release anxious, critical and painful thoughts, so that you can feel like yourself again, free from self-doubt, lack of focus, resentment, hurt and overwhelm.

  • · You will regain your confidence, peace of mind and happiness so that you can make clear decisions and create empowering future goals that you feel 100% aligned with.

The 3 Step Phases of the Betrayed

Breakthrough Gateway focus on:


Personal Inventory Phase

  • · Together we will identify any unhealthy behavioral pattern which you notice occurring that you need to break free from so that you can restore a healthy bond with your partner.

  • · This is where we create a list of thoughts, events and emotions you want to release, especially the ones that keep you stuck in a mental loop of the same old negative thoughts patterns repeating over and over again.

  • · We will walk through my “Embedded Trauma Release Method” where we will help you free your mind from any unwanted pictures, images or memories you have of the cheating from the past.

  • · Starting from childhood all the way up to the present day, we will identify unhelpful beliefs you may be holding about yourself, your future, your relationships and what you can accomplish.

  • · We will flush out any repetitive, critical, or fear-based thoughts that drain your energy and affect your mood that are affecting you how you feel, behave and think.

  • · How to get rid of stuck images of the cheating from the past so that you can restore back that inner that you once longed for

  • · Discover the ways to maintain self-esteem and a healthy lifestyle so you can focus on your partner, family and work.

  • · You will finally free yourself from the shackles of the past because now you have a long-lasting calm, confident and supportive mindset to be able to be there for your loved ones when they need you

  • ·We will help you define your top 5 goals aligned to your core happiness for the next 1 to 10 years helping you regain a fulfilling vision of your future that makes you feel driven again.

  • · We will map out the actions to get there, leaving you with a profound new sense of focus and direction as you’ll start to attract new positive experiences into your life.

The Redefine Phase

The Redefine Phase

  • · Discover the ways to maintain self-esteem and a healthy lifestyle so you can focus on your partner, family and work.

  • · You will finally free yourself from the shackles of the past because now you have a long-lasting calm, confident and supportive mindset to be able to be there for your loved ones when they need you

  • ·We will help you define your top 5 goals aligned to your core happiness for the next 1 to 10 years helping you regain a fulfilling vision of your future that makes you feel driven again.

  • · We will map out the actions to get there, leaving you with a profound new sense of focus and direction as you’ll start to attract new positive experiences into your life.


Release and Reset Phase

  • · With the “Release Reset Method” you will clear all the unwanted and unhelpful beliefs that have sabotaged your relationship and self-esteem

  • · We will work together to help you restore calmness as you will start to feel calmer and more confident with every passing day

  • · You will finally be able to trust yourself when it comes to making the right decisions in your relationship.

  • · We will also clear the self-destructive thinking patterns that make you feel lost, drained and overwhelmed leading to immense anxiety over where your partner is and what they are doing. (Say goodbye to sleepless nights and appetite changes)

  • · You will release the negative intrusive thoughts that can come up at any point and lower your mood so that you can feel the inner peace and happiness again even if it feels like you are the only one trying.

  • · Using my Release Reset Method you will be able to let go of any resentment towards self or others, get rid of any concerns and insecurities about the future affecting you now so that you start feeling hopeful, lighter and self-assured. Free from the burdens of the past!

  • · You will release the negative intrusive thoughts that can come up at any point and lower your mood so that you can feel the inner peace and happiness again even if it feels like you are the only one trying.

  • · Using my Release Reset Method you will also be able to let go of any resentment towards self or others, get rid of any concerns and insecurities about the future affecting you now so that you start feeling hopeful, lighter and self-assured. Free from the burdens of the past!


The Couple Relationship

Transformation Track

  • This step includes couple focused joint sessions after the individual clearing tracks (The Cheater Breakthrough or the Betrayed Breakthrough) have taken place.

  • As a couple you will reconnect, rebuild trust and become closer than ever before by overcoming any past communication or other relationship issues effectively.

  • Together with your partner you will create a shared vision that is forward focused, action based and positive so that you can finally have a meaningful long-lasting relationship.

What you will get?

The 4 Step Phases of the Couple Relationship Transformation track


Pair Bond Re-Ignition

  • We will work together to map out specific actions to bring you closer, rebuild trust, love and deepen your connection with your partner.

  • Any problems will be discussed individually first and then I will share many different solutions that have worked for other couples.

  • · We will then create a customized plan for lasting change in your relationship as a couple.

  • We will work together on clearing resentments caused due to negative behaviours in your relationship such as disagreements as a couple or any comment made by your partner that made you feel less about yourself.

  • · You will discover the "Elevated Awareness Method" to identify the negative triggers and spiralling thoughts that drive those destructive behaviours in your relationship as a couple.

  • You will discover a simple "Release Method" to release the negative triggers that drive the negative self-destructive behaviours as a couple.

  • Together we will apply the “Reset Method” to replace those negative trigger-based actions to love-driven actions so that you can let go of resentment and free yourself from the emotional burden and agitation.


Couple Resentment Buster


Couple Resentment Buster

  • We will work together on clearing resentments caused due to negative behaviours in your relationship such as disagreements as a couple or any comment made by your partner that made you feel less about yourself.

  • · You will discover the "Elevated Awareness Method" to identify the negative triggers and spiralling thoughts that drive those destructive behaviours in your relationship as a couple.

  • You will discover a simple "Release Method" to release the negative triggers that drive the negative self-destructive behaviours as a couple.

  • Together we will apply the “Reset Method” to replace those negative trigger-based actions to love-driven actions so that you can let go of resentment and free yourself from the emotional burden and agitation.


Communication Restoration

  • You will apply the “Communication Restoration Method” which will rebuild trust, restore back confidence, safety and security in the relationship.

  • We will work together to help you stop any patterns of bickering, silent treatment, shutting down, repeating the past, hurtful words, angry outbursts.

  • You will be able to apply the “29 Communication Principles” so that you are able to communicate peacefully in a direction that moves your relationship forward.

  • The “Silent Treatment Eliminator” to help you stop bickering and holding back your emotions that leads to silent treatment and express yourself with 100% authenticity so that you feel acknowledged, understood and develop an empathy to resolve arguments.

  • We will create daily and weekly positive habits tailored to you so that you keep up your happiness by becoming your most confident self as you start feeling good about your present-day life.

  • We will help you define your top 5 goals aligned to your core happiness for the next 1 to 10 years helping you regain a fulfilling vision of your future that makes your feel driven again.

  • · You will be able to align your goals, dreams, values and define a common purpose together so that you can support each other in becoming the best version of yourself.

  • · We will map out the actions to get there, leaving you with a profound new sense of focus and direction as you’ll start to attract new positive experiences into your life.


The Core Alignment


The Core Alignment

  • We will create daily and weekly positive habits tailored to you so that you keep up your happiness by becoming your most confident self as you start feeling good about your present-day life.

  • We will help you define your top 5 goals aligned to your core happiness for the next 1 to 10 years helping you regain a fulfilling vision of your future that makes your feel driven again.

  • · You will be able to align your goals, dreams, values and define a common purpose together so that you can support each other in becoming the best version of yourself.

  • · We will map out the actions to get there, leaving you with a profound new sense of focus and direction as you’ll start to attract new positive experiences into your life.

Are you ready to TRANSFORM Your

Relationship in 30 Days?

Imagine, how would it be to FINALLY end those lonely nights spent sleeping separately!

What would it be like when you are able to rebuild the lost trust in your you feel closer than ever before...?

How would it feel to re-ignite the lost intimacy when you rediscover your renewed passion, and connection, the way you felt when you dated the first time...?

You will FINALLY be able to release your fears, find joy and peace again...

Avoid the dreaded divorce process, and restore a fulfilling marriage instead!

The average cost of divorce is (around $30,000)... ...

Not forgetting the emotional pain, stress and turmoil of splitting everything and having two homes.

Now compare this to the cost of being in an extraordinary, healthy, Relationship?

if you are really ready to take action in your marriage then I can help you with the tools to do that!

Take charge of your happiness TODAY!

Imagine, how would it be to FINALLY end those lonely nights spent sleeping separately!

What would it be like when you are able to rebuild the lost trust in your you feel closer than ever before...?

How would it feel to re-ignite the lost intimacy when you rediscover your renewed passion, and connection, the way you felt when you dated the first time...?

You will FINALLY be able to release your fears, find joy and peace again...

Avoid the dreaded divorce process, and restore a fulfilling marriage instead!

The average cost of divorce is (around $30,000)... ...

Not forgetting the emotional pain, stress and turmoil of splitting everything and having two homes.

Now compare this to the cost of being in an extraordinary, healthy, Relationship?

if you are really ready to take action in your marriage then I can help you with the tools to do that!

Take charge of your happiness TODAY!

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